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Tutti è vere verissimo, lettore no carissimo.
Perfect the was, but as perfection is
Insipid In this naughty world of ours,
Where our first parents never learn'd to kiss
Till they were exiled front their earlier bowers.
Байронъ. Донъ-Хуанъ.
Не was a mortal of the careless kind,
With no great lore for learning, or the learn'd.
Байронъ, "Донъ-Хуанъ".
Высокой страсти не имѣя
Для звуковъ жизни не щадить,
Не могъ онъ ямба отъ хорея,
Какъ мы ни бились, отличитъ.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Онъ рыться не имѣлъ охоты
Въ хронологической пыли
Бытописанія земли...
Пушкинъ, "Евгеній Опѣгни".
Адина. É la slorja di Tristano,
É uni cronaca d'amor.
Хоръ. Leggi, leggi.
Elisir d'àmour.
Сдвинувъ звонки чаши, къ ладъ
Пойте: "многи лѣта!"
Bormistrzowa Wenera, a burmistrz Jowlszem.
Какая ты хорошенькая, Маша!
Любуясь ею, говорилъ папаша.
А. Майковъ. "Машенька".
She knew the Latin -- that is "the Lord's prayer",
And Greek -- the alphabet -- I'm nearly sore;
She read some French romances here and there,
Although her mode of speaking was not pore.
Байронъ, "Донъ-Хуанъ".
Bo gdy žolnlerza
Tylko obaczę,
Z lego ja kontenta,
Serce mi schacze.
Народная польская пѣсня.
"Божественная Марія!
Твой по гробъ, и пр."
Man's lore is of man's life a thing apart,
T'is woman's whole existence...
Байронъ. "Донъ-Хуанъ".
The charming creatures lie with such a grace.
There's nothing so bekoming to the face.
Онъ же